08.11.2021-12.11.2021: The first week of digital survey operations in Spain came to an end. The operations are part of Work Package 3, the objectives of which are: defining operational protocols for the documentation and digital survey of the architecture of the Franciscan Order, implementation of digital surveys, and structuring of the archives.
On the occasion of the survey campaign, a workshop was conducted with eight students from the University of Florence on the theme of digital laser-scanner and photogrammetric survey in the conventual complex of Sant Miquel d’Escornalbou, Cataluña.

The week began with a visit to the Arxiu Municipal de Reus and continued in the following days with the integrated digital survey campaigns on site. The fieldwork consisted of a laser-scanner digital survey, carried out with a Z+F Imager 5016, and a photogrammetric survey, with Structure from Motion methodology, carried out with reflex cameras and drones.
The workshop has ended on November 12, with the Workshop "Mapping Monastic Landscapes with GIS", held at the University of Barcelona, involving students from the University of Florence, the University of Barcelona, and researchers from ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon, with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese professors and researchers.