On the 24th and 25th of September, 2020, the 3rd International Seminar "Architectures of the Souls" took place in webinar form. The Seminar was coordinated by João Luís Inglês Fontes (NOVA FCSH-IEM; CEHR-UCP) and Rolando Volzone (DINÂMIA’CET – ISCTE-IUL) and featured an international scientific committee. The conference was structured around five thematic main sessions with 20 minutes paper presentations: History of Eremitical/Monastic Life, The Materiality of Eremitical/Monastic Experiences, Landscapes of the Soul, Solitude: Ancient and Contemporary Readings, Digital Survey in Religious Architecture. Papers submitted will be gathered in a publication with an external double blind peer review process and referenced with ISBN.
F-ATLAS' Project Leader and Principal Investigators attended the Seminar with papers related to the project:
Digital survey and documentation of two Franciscan convents in Umbria, Italy, by Stefano Bertocci (Università degli Studi di Firenze);
Mapeando el paisaje espiritual: documentación, arqueología y territorio en el estudio de los monasterios ibéricos, by Maria Soler (University of Barcelona);
Poverty, Penance and Solitude: from the first Franciscan foundations to late-medieval observance, by João Luís Inglês Fontes (IEM - NOVA FCSH; CEHR-UCP) and Maria Filomena Andrade (U. Aberta; CEHR-UCP; IEM - NOVA FCSH).
